Monday, January 24, 2011

Why I don't believe in global warming....

So I haven't gotten off to the best start with this blogging thing but I'm going to try to get better at it. Normally I struggle picking a topic so I think I may pick a theme of the week or something. Idk, we'll see. Today though, it's all about this bone chillingly cold weather.

I think that global warming can be disproved based on this weather. I know there is research disproving global warming and not everyone believes it but this weather should. It is so stinking cold! Walking across campus is TERRIBLE! I can get all bundled up and everything but my face stays warm. Plus I am so sick of snow. Although, I will say if it is going to be cold I would rather see campus covered with a blanket of snow because at least it's pretty.

However, if it were up to me, it would already be April with lots of pretty flowers and I could be going to Keeneland on the weekends to bet on horses.

I actually miss those sticky summer days. I can't wait to make fresh squeezed lemonade and the return of summer BBQ's. But for now, I'll enjoy this hot chocolate while doing my homework.

A Southern Belle

1 comment:

  1. You are too cute. I agree. The weather in Boston totally blows global warming out of the water (although I think they're staring to call it "climate change" now). I am born to be WARM not cold!!!
