Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Doctors and Boyfriends

So today it's all about the dr. I get quite frustrated at times with them. So many times I go and they can't tell me whats wrong. They'll have tests run only to come up with more questions than answers, so ANNOYING!!!

Anyway, today I am going to the lung specialist here at home to find out why my lungs are not functioning properly. Well hopefully I find that out.

Afterwards, I'm driving down to my boyfriend's and we are going to escape for a couple of days to Chattanooga. I'm so excited! I'm considering going to grad school there so it gives us a vacation as well as checking out the town to see if we might want to live there while I go to school or even permanently.

Also, we are exchanging Christmas presents while we're there. I know he hasn't even gotten mine yet. He went to get it last night but the town he lives in does not have much and he didn't get off base til later than expected so he couldn't run down to Nashville to shop. Could be interesting.....

Anyway, those are the current adventures of this Southern Belle,

Bless your heart for reading this,

Southern Belle

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